Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the Frequently asked questions about Agrera..

What is actually Agrera Platform?

Agrera is comprehensive agricultural platform that will help you address agricultural and agri-business challenges at each every step of your journey. You will able to formulate your own feed, make mbeya fertilizer, keep track of your finances and monitor your business health. You will also find a lot of articles about agriculture and agricultural related jobs.

How can I contribute or be part of Agrera?

Go to your profile and click the Become a Contributor. Note that you must be logged in. Fill out the form and you will be contacted by the Agrera Staff. You will be granted access to start publishing articles or start contributing to the open source sections specifically the "Pest and Disease Analysis" codebase.

Is Mbeya Fertilizer effective?

Yes, Mbeya Fertilizer has shown it's effectiveness in various areas in Malawi. After formulating mbeya fertilizer on this platform, go to sources and find more information right there. But it is an innovation worth adopting..

Agrera guide articles