Improve yield with less fertilizer costs


  1. Mbeya Fertilizer is a locally available, easy-to-make fertilizer that is rich in nutrients and helps improve and maintain soil structure, texture, color, depth, aeration, and fertility
  2. Mbeya Fertilizer has displayed remarkable performance and increase yields of the following crops
    • Maize
    • Rice
    • Tea
    • Vegetables
    • Tomato


It is advisable to initiate this fertilizer application procedure on a small-scale basis initially. This approach allows for the evaluation of its effectiveness within your specific field conditions. We recommend this course of action due to the prevalent lack of comprehensive soil testing data for most areas

By implementing this method on a limited scale and closely monitoring its performance, you can make informed decisions about its suitability for broader application. Scaling up after achieving positive results on your field ensures a more reliable and cost-effective approach, optimizing resource utilization.

This pragmatic approach not only minimizes potential risks but also allows for greater adaptability to the unique characteristics of your soil and crop conditions. It underscores the importance of empirical evidence in decision-making, particularly when comprehensive soil testing is unavailable.